Products We Love: Pierre Poivre N.7
Pierre Poivre N.7
Everyone knows that pepper is a necessity in cooking, but what a lot of people don't know is that the quality of your peppercorns affects the flavor. Our Pierre Poivre blend is a mixture of 8 different types of peppercorns, all sourced from around the globe.
Upon opening a jar of Pierre, the smell of fragrant peppercorns immediately hits your nose. It's floral, woodsy, funky, and familiar. The aroma itself is a testament to the quality and care put into one of our most cherished blends.
The blend is beautiful with coarse flecks of greens, pinks, whites and blacks. The texture is kept grainy so that it adds a nice peppery crunch and an explosion of flavor to your dishes. However, feel free to put Pierre Poivre in a pepper mill to achieve a finer grind, which demonstrates the versatility of the blend.
The flavor is everything you want and more in a pepper blend: spicy, tangy, citrusy, a little sweet and a little sour. Each peppercorn in the blend adds its own layer of flavors, ensuring that your food will never be flat.
Best of all, this blend is versatile. You can throw your pepper mill away! Pierre Poivre can be used in the place of pepper in any dish.
Idea for Use
With a high quality cut of meat, all you really need is salt and pepper to create a steakhouse level steak. Season all sides of your steak with a healthy amount of salt and Pierre Poivre - enough to create a nice crust on the outside of your steak.
Add oil into a pan and sear at a high temperature for a few minutes on each side and enjoy one of the simplest, most delicious dishes you can make. You can find a more detailed recipe for the Perfect Steak here!